Your dream application comes true here. IonicBucket presents unique themes and applications which built by using world top Ionic Framework. You are welcome to make your dream apps by using IonicBucket.
1. Complete Functional Social App Based on Firebase & Ionic framework

Along with lots of features and functionalities, the most notable feature of this app is Discover Map. Here you can find your contact lists friends’ location by sharing the location. There are also many other notable features in this social app such as user authentication system, user newsfeed, profile, follow/unfollow, friend request, notification, one to one chatting, admob and attractive UI/UX design.
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2. Full functional news app with admin panel Firebase Firestore & Ionic Framework

Firenews is full functional application which is built in Ionic Framework including admin panel with firebase database. The admin panel of this app is built with Angular 5 and Angular Material. If you are looking for newspaper, media, magazine, publishing, personal blog, business and any kind of application then FireNews will be the best choice. This is a full functional app with admin panel firestore firebase that makes your development task more easier compare with others. If you are an owner of this app then you can create a magazine news app or blog by your own easily. With your creative imagination you can also modify it into your business page, blogs, sports site, cooking site and so many.
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3. Restaurant Food Delivery Template UI App Supports Multiple Language i18n

The theme app offers you broader category features with several basic functionalists in a unique platform. The application has been created with top most open-source hybrid mobile apps development framework Ionic-framework. This awesome app is highly customizable, user and developer friendly which holds high code quality, reflects module based project structure and many more. By using this app you can easily make any large scale restaurant, cafe, slow food, boutique coffee shop, street bar, fast food, pizza store, ice cream shop or anything food related app easily.
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4. Tinder Like Dating App Template UI

This awesome multipurpose dating app designed with a strong sense of modern and new UI, UX concepts. The application has been created with top most open-source hybrid mobile apps framework IONIC v3. This awesome template app is highly customizable, user and developer friendly which holds high code quality, reflects module based project structure and many more.
By using this template UI app save your 1000% development time. This app presents a lot of layouts (Slider Landing Page, Sign In Page, Multiple Slider Sign Up Page, Swipe Page, Match Page, Gorgeous Chat Page with Giphy Support, User Public Profile, User Own Profile, Edit Profile Page and Settings pages) etc. And integrated some native plugins Camera and Google Admob Free etc.
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5. Ionic 3 Travel Agency Booking System Theme App Supports Multi Language

If you are looking for travel agency app with multiple options of booking or reservation like Hotel, Flight, Car, Bus, Train, Cruise, Activities, Vacation etc, then this Travel kit will be the best choice for you. This is a complete theme app that make your development task more easier. If you are an owner of this app then you can create a Travel Booking or reservation app and can save 1000% development time easily.
This application has been built by using latest Ionic Framework with applied i18n that supports multiple languages. Initially we applied a total of top nine languages Arabic(RTL Support), Bangla, English, Spanish, French, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Chinese etc. The default language is English. Also you can add and remove any language at any time.
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6. Hotel Booking Theme App Supports i18n

The theme app offers you broader category features with several basic functionalists in a unique platform. The application has been created with top most open-source hybrid mobile apps development framework Ionic-framework. This awesome app is highly customizable, user and developer friendly which holds high code quality, reflects module based project structure and many more. By using this app you can easily make any large scale booking system app, specially created for hotel booking. But you can make any type of booking system by using this app, also this app suitable for travel agency, accommodation booking, restaurant booking and many more.
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7. IonTube – Youtubers Youtube Channel Ionic 3 App

If you are an amazing Youtuber and haunting for your own platform then IonTube is for you. This crazy app has made for YouTubers uniquely. This app has built with latest technology Ionic Framework, which is fully functional and easy to use. You can display your all works together here. The app displays your all videos, playlists, favorites and channels. You have already thousands of fan who are waiting for your new creations. Let people use their favorite channel in their device for regular use. The app has made by aiming your need and demand.
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8. Ionic3 Starter Template Supports Multiple Language i18n

This application template build in using Ionic 3 Framework with applied i18n that is support multiple language. Now four languages applied in this app, languages are- default English, Spanish, Chinese, Arabic(RTL Support). Build In multiple theme concepts like Social media, Ecommerce, Business Logic, Map etc. Full application organized very simple design concepts with proper project structure, best practices. We applied latest version of Ionic 3, Angular 5, Typescript with i18n.
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9. Complete Multipurpose eCommerce Template UI Grocery App Supports Multiple Language i18n

This awesome multipurpose ecommerce grocery app template designed with a strong sense of modern and new UI, UX concepts. This app presents a lot of layouts (Landing Page Slider Support, Home, Profile, SignIn, SignUp, Weekly Specials, New Products, Popular Products, Offers, Categories, Product List & Grid View, Cart, Checkout, My Order, Search, Settings pages) etc.
The application has been created with top most open-source hybrid mobile apps development framework Ionic-framework. This awesome template app is highly customizable, user and developer friendly which holds high code quality, reflects module based project structure and many more. By using this app you can easily make any large scale ecommerce, grocery, slow food, boutique coffee shop, street bar, fast food, pizza store, ice cream shop or anything food related app easily.
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10. Multipurpose News App Template UI Ionic 3

The application has been created with top most open-source hybrid mobile apps development framework Ionic-framework. This awesome template app is highly customizable, user and developer friendly which holds high code quality, reflects module based project structure and many more. By using this app you can easily make any large scale News or Magazine App from today and save your development time 100+ hours.
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